Prosperity Consciousness Audio Workshop
$ 159.00
Prosperity is something that is easy but the real issue is that we've not been taught how to have it and bring it towards us with ease. We've also not been taught the mindset and energetics of how to have prosperity consistently with ease.
That's why I shared these precious teachings on Prosperity Consciousness.
Maybe you’ve taken every other class about manifesting more money in your life. You’ve read numerous books. You’ve tried techniques after many classes..
NOW, you will hear real and deep teachings that will help you attain techniques that you will use the rest of your life.
This course will change:
- your attitude about money and wealth
- internal dialogue that keep in chaos around your prosperity
- any negative energy in your life about money, wealth, & success
- negative programs regarding money
- negative beliefs that came because of your family or ancestors
- outdated spiritual beliefs associated with money
- decrees you’ve made, keeping you in poverty consciousness
The techniques taught will disintegrate old patterns that you may not even know you have which could be keeping you from your deserved prosperity. You will achieve easier peace with money and spirituality that will ignite your prosperity and increase the money in your life.
You will learn simple yet incredibly effective techniques that will immediately improve your finances. These techniques are not taught anywhere else and cannot be found in books. Join us for a fun and prosperity.