$ 19.97
Are you struggling with negativity and chaos in your day to day life?
Do you happen to have a swirling mind that keeps you stuck in the same loop?
It is deeply ingrained in us from an early age to focus and work harder but the way in which we attempt to do this, like a toddler would force its will, can lead to burnout and harden our hearts. This in turn makes life more difficult and takes a toll on the body, brain, and spirit.
This guided meditation audio program is designed to lead you through overcoming mind chatter, negative thinking, doubts, fears, worries, self esteem issues, and will help you to heal your heart, calm the mind, and allow you to make your heart’s desires a reality.
We will do this by helping you get back into your heart center.
The heart center, as described by many heart surgeons, is the gateway of all blood and all emotions. When the heart center is taxed too much because of intensity, lack of rest, harsh environments, bosses, and family, the whole of the body has difficulty healing and connecting to spirit.
This healing meditation will help you tap into deeper aspects of you that will bring harmony, health and reconnection to your more natural tendencies. Yes, a meditation can do all that! I’ll show you how to achieve these things easily by applying proper energy principles in the correct combination to unlock your true potential.
People who use this program experience:
- Confidence
- Clarity
- An ability to connect with others more easily
- Healing of difficult health issues
- Healing of relationships
- More abundance
- Ease in creating the life they want
- Receiving unexpected goodness
- It even helped over a dozen CEOs turn their companies from loss to hugely profitable
This meditation is well known over the eons as Meditation on Two Hearts and it has helped Sheevaun awaken her innate abilities to help others achieve their maximum potential.
Are you ready for it to help you have your heart’s desire?